
Generate Creative Book Writing Using AI

IntroductionGenerating creative book writing using Artificial Intelligence (AI) requires using genuine and natural language filtering and robotics or expert system method to develop a special and original content. Through music and art,AI has displayed its ability and skills to develop creative content and this ability led us to invention of writing tools fueled by AI. …


Generating creative book writing using Artificial Intelligence (AI) requires using genuine and natural language filtering and robotics or expert system method to develop a special and original content. Through music and art,AI has displayed its ability and skills to develop creative content and this ability led us to invention of writing tools fueled by AI. However, this has helped many authors/writers in bettering their vocabularies ,helped in creating ideas and encouraging plot twists.

More importantly,AI is known for its speed and productivity in book writing. Book writing involves the need to research widely and unimaginable hours of editing and writing but with the help of AI, it can fasten this process by supplying the writers with priceless knowledge, giving ideas and suggestions to boost a standard write up. With this, writers can focus more on other things they have to do and also save them time.

Meanwhile, with the help of AI-powered tools helping the authors in writing books ,there are other disadvantages or challenges attached to it. Copyright infringement and Plagiarism are the challenges facing the use of AI in writing books because the AI platforms depend on already existing writings to develop a new write up.

To have a unique write up ,there are some steps to follow in using AI in generating a creative book writing and they are mentioned and explained below .

1. Pick a theme or genre

When choosing a theme or genre make sure it’s something you already like e.g Romance,Love,Justice,Family e.t.c so you can have a successful write up. A story’s theme is the details of what your write up is all about and this will help focus the AI platforms on focusing on a unique content and providing a starting point for the write up.

2. Collect training informations

Gathering a high number of informations on already existing books or write-ups within the range of the particular genre you chose will help provide the AI platforms with enough information to train and provide it with deep knowledge and writing skills.

3.Edit and clean the data

Edit and clean the training information by taking out the duplicate or plagiarized words. As creative as an AI platforms can be, it will still require a human attention to refine and edit to final touch.

4. Generate your write-up/content

After the AI platform has been trained and edited, you can start creating your unique writeup. The deep knowledge and writing skills it learned will assist in generating an original and unique content.

Examples of the AI writing tools

Each of this writing tools serves different purposes and can be valuable to the writers in enhancing their writing skills and productivity. Four among these writing tools are:

1. Grammarly

Grammarly is an AI platform that will help you correct errors in your grammars and this assist you as a writer to improve your writing skills. Grammarly helps autocorrect your spellings, recommend punctuations and also check for your grammar.

2. QuillBot

Quillbot is another example of an AI writing tool that helps rephrase sentences so as to make it unique and original. Quillbot is useful to avoid plagiarized words if you want to have a unique content.

3. Open AI’s GPT-3

GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer -3) can be used to generate codes, poetry, articles, stories by inserting the relevant words or text needed to create a full article or write up. It is a useful tool for writing and content creation

4. Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Editor is a writing tool that helps to highlight phrases and words that can be edited for better readability and enhance writing skills. It helps analyze texts that can be worked on.


Always have in mind that AI platforms can help generate inspirations and ideas, but it takes the intervention of the author to edit and add personal words to have a unique write up.



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