
Healthy wealth and AI

Health, they say, is wealth, but did you know that the choice of health determines who is wealthy?Let's have a look at two scenarios:John gets up early enough to wash his hands under running water with soap and water. He then proceeds to drink 2 glasses of water. At 7 a.m., he briefly jump ropes, …

Health, they say, is wealth, but did you know that the choice of health determines who is wealthy?

Let’s have a look at two scenarios:

John gets up early enough to wash his hands under running water with soap and water. He then proceeds to drink 2 glasses of water. At 7 a.m., he briefly jump ropes, has breakfast (jollof rice, plantains by the side, and a boiled egg), and then uses any fruit in season to balance it.

Before heading out, he checks his blood pressure with his personalized sphygmomanometer.

This is what a Sphygmomanometer is, in case you do not know its name.

Great ! John gets to work, decides to use the stairs instead of the elevator, and then proceeds to get the work of the day done.

 John drives to work and intentionally parks the car farther from the work space in order to walk down to the office. Are you still reading? You could drink a glass of water here because John decides to drink a glass of water before leaving the car park.

John, at intervals during work hours, decides to drink water just to cool off. Instead of calling the secretary to grab a report from the desk of a colleague, John decides, “I would walk to grab it and also say Hello with that.”

Now, with the advent of technology, especially the buzzword of the moment “Artificial Intelligence”, John can have personalized diet recommendations and also an improvement in healthy habits to attain the best of wealth.

But we should have observed from John’s routine that there must have been something that prompted this choice of wealth making; yes, “wealth making” because John has decided to invest in his wellbeing by saving cost on drugs and health care. Recently,  there was an article by Chukwuma Muanya on the topic “Trouble in the health sector as drugs and cost of care spike”, which simply means the health care providers are getting richer at the detriment of some individuals that have chosen not to invest in their wellbeing. Back to John

Regularly taking note of the walking steps to meet each day, Say 10,000 steps, which is good for the heart in numerous ways, such as reducing the chances of acquiring heart stroke and diabetes, to mention but a few. but we are not here to discuss the benefits of walking Or, are we?

proceeds to have lunch at 1 p.m., probably pounded yam and egusi soup with fried horse mackerel fish (cote) as the protein.

This Fish is not just any fish. John chose this fish because it is rich in some Vitamins such as B12, A, and the like, and it is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids as well. (If I were you, I would include it in my shopping list for the next time I go to the market.)

So, I could not take a picture of the fried mackerel fish to show you, dear reader, as I had already finished eating before I remembered you. Feel free to send them to me in the comment session.

John may decide to skip fruit and just drink room-temperature water (78F/25.55C). Still here?

John, whose bladder is full and needs to pee, proceeds to the nearest convenience to be at ease rather than storing it till later( storing till later is a very poor thing to do and damages the bladder). I even learned that the longer one stores the pee, the sweeter the sensation one feels when it is let out. I wonder where we came up with such an idea. Let’s proceed.

The weather could be quite cold, but John opts for a cup of hot tea instead of having a cigar, which many people feel helps reduce stress and enhances their concentration, to mention but a few. However,  as much as the benefits may be present, there are dangers to it as well, such as lung diseases, cancer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), etc.

The weather could be quite cold, but John opts for a cup of hot tea instead of having a cigar, which many people feel helps reduce stress and enhances their concentration, to mention but a few. However,  as much as the benefits may be present, there are dangers to it as well, such as lung diseases, cancer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), etc.

John may not even be the primary Smoker( the person smoking directly); John could be the Secondary smoker. Any idea who a Secondary smoker is?

John resumes work to finish up at work, retires for the day, and then, on getting home, decides to have just tea and two slices of bread (I know, that can never be some of you; some people will still wake up at night to eat).

Guess what? You could still snack in the middle of the night. Snack with nuts: almonds, walnuts, etc. Those nuts will reduce the chances of insomnia (sleeplessness).

Might I hint to you that John and his doctor are quite close? You may be wondering if he has an ailment or a condition that has made him this close to his doctor. No, he goes for a medical checkup (yes, you should go for a checkup once every 3 years if you are not yet 50 years old and once every year immediately after you turn 50 years old), but if you have a medical condition such as Diabetes, Cancer , etc. You may need to go for a checkup more often than once a year, regardless of your age.

To Conclude:

You see, AI is not controlling John’s life but guiding him to attain maximum wealth through healthy living and making informed decisions about his lifestyle. With the advent of AI, John does not have to tolerate unhealthy attitudes from health care workers or low quality services because John is interested in his health.

Now, you would ask, “How did John acquire wealth with all the habits exhibited?”

Let me give you some brief examples:

John has strong muscles not to push cars or to show off as sexy but rather to help maintain balance, protect against injury, and increase flexibility in the body as well.

Then John adopted drinking water over carbonated drinks; this is very rich as it helps to reduce cases of kidney stones, which can cause blockage in the passage of urine, as well as prevent smelly urine.

Let us not forget the fruits, which are very good sources of vitamins and fiber. The choice of diet has helped John acquire resistance to infections; hence, the money to be spent on gathering antibiotics and other medications is channeled elsewhere.

Can you outline the other secrets of wealth?

Can you guess the other scenario?

Leave your response in the comment section.



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